core values

We orient all our efforts around a foundational set of core values.

When providers offer solutions unmoored from any guiding principle, the result is that their conduct can undercut what they’re trying to achieve. At Hallmark, the two aspects — what we do and how we do it — are tightly interwoven. In our products and our people alike, we put a relentless focus on truth, trust, transparency, respect and service.


Just as our products create a single source of truth for workforce-related data, our team will always be a source of truth and honesty for our clients. It is the only way to earn and keep their trust.


If we want our clients to have faith in our products, they have to be able to have faith in us. We as an organization can only build trust through fundamental transparency.


As with the insight and clarity that our products facilitate, we are scrupulously open and forthcoming with clients because that’s the best way to show respect.


We treat our customers and coworkers with integrity and work ceaselessly toward their best interest, even above our own. That’s because we approach all our work in the spirit of service.


We build every customer relationship around the ideal of service to a better, mutually beneficial outcome. We commit to always doing what’s right, what’s needed, and what’s best for our clients.